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My language skills over time... update

Skills, as everything else, develop over time. Some get rusty though. I was once a very skilled c programmer, now I dread to manage memory myself. I suppose with time the tools change and the languages change with it. I don't think there is A Best Language for coding. They have different objectives, some are good in some context, some even fun, some are not fun but they do the thing they are suppose to best. It took me a long time to realise, that the language I choose is not strictly to communicate with the computer but with the next developer (including myself). The computer will interpret and run the code once it works, but the next developer is in charge of understanding the code, the Why and How, so she/he can maintain it, use it, or even learn from it.
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12 steps for software development

We admitted we were powerless over planing—that our time had become unmanageable.  Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.  Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of The Team.  Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.  Admitted to The Team, and to managers the exact nature of our wrongs.  Were entirely ready to have The Team remove all these defects of character.  Humbly asked The Team to remove our shortcomings.  Made a list of all projects we had harmed, and became willing to fix them all.  Made direct bug fixes to such projects wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.  Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.  Sought through code review and automation to improve our conscious contact with The Team, committing only tested features.  Having had a spiritual awakening as...


LESS is more!

The dynamic stylesheet language less has been around for about 4 years now. It is not just a pre-processor anymore. With all initiatives to make native support for less in browsers possible, you must agree with me that it has earned a place in modern websites. I will try to make it appealing to you, so you can see, why you should be using less .  I will show you then an easy way to integrate less into your web application using maven. So if you still have some doubts about the power of less , here are some quick reasons why you will be wanting to use it: Variables less allows you to define variables. You can do something like: @myShadeOfGrey : #999999 ; # header {     color : @ myShadeOfGrey; } h2 {     color : @ myShadeOfGrey; } and you will be able to try some other colors changing just one line of code.

JUnit testing services and clients with javax.xml.ws.Endpoint

Following situation: you have written some generic stub to use in your projects that creates a client for a service. Your client is smart and does some magic for connections (proxy, cache or other kind of magic). Or maybe you just have written a service for that matter. Anyway, you now want to test it. Unit testing the functionality of your methods is a must. But you still want to reach 100% coverage and need to test the service as it would run in real life. Then you can use the javax.xml.ws.Endpoint class. If you prefer figuring it out yourself, you can find the code (as a project for netbeans) -- here -- To follow the code examples as html click   --here-- So here is how you do it: If you've coded nothing fancy, then you probably have a class like this: This is a generic client for opening connections to services. It gives you back a port of the type of your service where you can call your operation as a method of the port. It is very...

Stop the software / car analogy

I can understand that making analogies is a very powerful form of explaining a hard concept, but you should be aware of the demons you might be unleashing.  I like analogies, as much as anyone. I do the Einstein-Train-Thing to convince my self that I understand relativity like the next man. But everybody is careful talking about relativity and nobody would walk outside the framing without considering it very carefully. Software on the other hand is not so respected, and I ask you: does the next man really get it? Everybody can relate to cars, right? So that is a good reason to use the analogy, you would think , but here is where I have to disagree: Thinking you know about the domain, sells, production lines, marketing, resourcing, electronics, hydraulics and all the engineering that has been put into the car is the first mistake. The second mistake is assuming other people do (unless they work for BMW or something like that).  You think you are making the ...