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Es werden Posts vom 2013 angezeigt.

LESS is more!

The dynamic stylesheet language less has been around for about 4 years now. It is not just a pre-processor anymore. With all initiatives to make native support for less in browsers possible, you must agree with me that it has earned a place in modern websites. I will try to make it appealing to you, so you can see, why you should be using less .  I will show you then an easy way to integrate less into your web application using maven. So if you still have some doubts about the power of less , here are some quick reasons why you will be wanting to use it: Variables less allows you to define variables. You can do something like: @myShadeOfGrey : #999999 ; # header {     color : @ myShadeOfGrey; } h2 {     color : @ myShadeOfGrey; } and you will be able to try some other colors changing just one line of code.